Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So Scotland... officially my new favorite place to be on the face of this Earth. England was nice, don't get me wrong, and I thoroughly enjoyed my stay there, but it didn't even scratch the surface of what Scotland had to offer. I have mainly Scottish heritage (but some British) and it was indescribably astounding, being able to walk on the streets on my ancestors and learn about the history of my clan. The landscape is breathtaking and the weather is gorgeous. The Scottish people are a very proud and strong people and I'm just thrilled at the prospect of learning more about their history.


P.S. France sucks so much ass, its difficult to describe. I hated it there and I never intend to go back unless it is to visit to beaches of Normandy.

London (20)

London (55)

Paris (34)

Scotland (54)

Scotland (27)

Scotland (20)

The Royal Mile, Edinburgh (7)

St. Andrews, Scotland - Birthplace of Golf (9)