Wednesday, August 6, 2008

James and Davey Franco

We all know James Dean and James Franco look similar, but what we don't all know, is that James Franco cries much more often.

See more James Franco videos at Funny or Die

Green screens are weird. And green.

See more James Franco videos at Funny or Die

I'd sniff James Franco's jacket. And several other things, if it needed to be done, of course.

See more James Franco videos at Funny or Die

Super Vague 3000

As mentioned in the above title, this post will be extremely vague. You know how sometimes you take something out of your life, for example...rollerblading, and after a while you forget about how much you totally love your rollerblades. But then, if you ever catch a glance of your blades, like when you are cleaning out your closet or garage, you instantly have flashbacks of all the good times you spent on your blades...rollering around. But then your rollerblades break and all the sudden you've been cut off again! And it makes you feel crappy.


Sucks when that happens.